Over the last few weeks I’ve been working on designing a large, partitioned table using SQL Server 2008 R2. This table needs to hold 30 days worth of data, and every day it receives around 15 million new rows. So the total rowcount will be around 30x15M = 450 million rows.
The key design requirement for this table is that it needs to implement a 30 day sliding window, and recycling old partitions needs to be completed rapidly, and without manual intervention. When a new day starts, the corresponding partition should be wiped as quickly as possible to remove the 30 day old data sitting in it.
Step One: An Elegant ‘Hash’ Function
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnGetPartition](@Day SMALLINT) RETURNS TINYINT WITH SCHEMABINDING AS BEGIN DECLARE @RetVal TINYINT --The number of Partitions present DECLARE @PartitionCount TINYINT SET @PartitionCount = 30 --Hash the supplied day in to one of the @PartitionCount buckets SET @RetVal = @Day % @PartitionCount + 1 RETURN @RetVal END GO
Days are represented by monotonically increasing integers in this system. So the function above takes the current day, finds the modulus 30 of that number and returns an integer between 1 and 30. This is a really neat way to calculate a round-robin partition number for each day. The function maps input to output like this:
Input | Output |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
… | … |
29 | 29 |
30 | 30 |
31 | 1 |
32 | 2 |
So day 31 will overwrite day 1, and so forth.
Step Two: Store the Partition Number as a Persisted Computed Column on the Table
The next step is to persist the partition number as a column on the large table. This is a cut-down, simplified version of the table for illustrative purposes:
--Create a test table CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BigTable] ( [Partition] AS dbo.fnPartition(Day) PERSISTED, [Day] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [Symbol] CHAR(5) NOT NULL, [Ref] CHAR(15) NOT NULL, [Open] BIT NOT NULL, [Closed] BIT NOT NULL, [IsEmpty] BIT NOT NULL, ) ON PRIMARY GO
This builds a table which has an integer between 1 and 30 stored in the Partition column
Step Three: Create A Partition Function
The next step is to add a partition function. This function maps an input parameter to a partition number. In this scenario, the hard part of figuring out which partition to use has already been completed by the hash function and stored in the [Partition] column. I found this was an easier approach, as there are restrictions on what you can and can’t do inside a partition function.
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [pfBigTable](TINYINT) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 ) GO
Step Four: Create A Partition Scheme
The partition scheme maps the partitions specified in the partition function to their physical storage location. For this scenario, I mapped all 30 partitions to a single filegroup.
Step Five: Configure the Table to Use the Partition Scheme
At this stage, the table can be recreated on the partition scheme rather than on the PRIMARY filegroup where it is currently sitting. The ON psBigTable([Partition]) statement tells SQL Server that the [Partition] column is what should be supplied to the partition function in order to decide where to store each row.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BigTable] ( [Partition] AS dbo.fnPartition(Day) PERSISTED, [Day] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [Symbol] CHAR(5) NOT NULL, [Ref] CHAR(15) NOT NULL, [Open] BIT NOT NULL, [Closed] BIT NOT NULL, [IsEmpty] BIT NOT NULL, ) ON psBigTable([Partition]) GO
That’s it for part one. The result is a partitioned table spread across 30 partitions, with a simple hash function in place to ensure that data is redirected to the appropriate partition based on the monotonically increasing [Day] column. This ensures that the buckets get ‘recycled’ every 30 days.
In the next post I’ll discuss partition aligned indexes, and an elegant way to do massive data deletes using partition switching.